HOME > Commands, 1.15, Java Edition Creations

Self-building Command Block House in Minecraft – 2020 Updated


A self-building command block house in Minecraft, that takes only 40 seconds to build! This one command creation adds a craft-able self-building house for those who are not good at building!

Build this house in 40 seconds!

Build this house in 40 seconds! AUTOMATICALLY!


Get started! To craft the self building command block house drop on the ground:

  • 64 Oak Logs
  • 64 Oak Planks
  • 64 Cobblestones

Get the command block house

The original creation was made on March 2017 (the video you see above), but I updated it to Minecraft 1.15 in May 2020.

Minecraft 1.15 – Datapack (2020 UPDATED)

This creation was made for Minecraft Java Edition version 1.15
What is Minecraft Java?

It does not work on: iOS Android Xbox Windows 10 Edition Nintendo Switch Play Station

I updated the command block house in May 2020 for Minecraft 1.15.2, it’s now a data pack. If you choose the data pack make sure to play in that version of Minecraft.

Instructions on how to install the data pack can be found here.

Minecraft 1.12 – One Command (Old Version)

To install this command block house creation in Minecraft Java 1.11.2, copy the first command, paste it in a command block, and power it. Then copy the second command and paste it the command block that will be generated by the machine. You’ll find a tutorial in the video showcase.

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