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10 Tools I use for Minecraft Bedrock Map Making


The best tools to get started with your first Minecraft map

You are new to Minecraft Mapmaking and you don’t know where to start, what tools to use.

Let me guide you.

My name is Cimap, I am a professional map-maker for Minecraft and I want to share the tools I use that I think are the best to get started with your first Minecraft map.

So, you want to know the tools I use to make my Minecraft maps?

The official Minecraft Documentation

I know you’re probably frustrated because the documentation on the subject is scarce and the official one is definitely not the best…

Nevertheless, this is an always up-to-date link on the official docs: bedrock.dev

You can find documentation to create: Addons, Animations, Biomes, Blocks, Entities, Entity Events, Features, Item, MoLang, Particles, Recipes, Schemas, Scripting, Texture Sets, UI

It’s hosted by TheDestruc7i0n, a fellow Minecraft command/map maker. It is extracted by the vanilla resource and behavior packs.

It is really useful to look at the vanilla packs and see how they implement game features. I really recommend downloading the latest packs for Minecraft from the link below (directly from Microsoft’ servers):

What Code Editor I use

The code editor I use is Visual Studio Code by Microsoft, google it to download, be careful not to confuse it with just “Visual Studio” which is another thing.

Well, yes you could use any other text editor (even the built-in Notepad for Windows if you really wish) but guarantee the experience will grant you a headache! 🤣

The VSCode marketplace offers integration with extensions. “Bedrock Definitions” is an awesome one developed by destruc7i0n, once again we should thank him more. 😜 Install it to get autocomplete, previews, and JSON navigation aid which is a big help.

There are probably other options out there for other code editors. If you know more dm me on Twitter and I’ll update this blog post.

Other important tools

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