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Minecraft Color Codes for Commands

minecraft color codes

Use Minecraft color codes to get colored world names, colored server names, colored signs or even colored messages in command blocks. Everything looks cooler in color, right?

How to use color codes

Color codes with §

The selection sign (§) plus a number or letter defines a color code. You will find them in the table below.

These color codes can be used in:

  • Colored Minecraft World Names (both Bedrock and Java)
    In Bedrock, just paste the color code. In Java, you need to use an external software like McEdit or NBTedit
  • Colored Signs (only in Bedrock Edition, for Minecraft Java use JSON formatting)
  • Colored Titles, Tellraw, Say via the respective command. (only in Bedrock Edition, for Minecraft Java use JSON formatting)
  • Colored Books
    Again in Minecraft Java, you need to use an external software like McEdit or NBTedit to paste the color code.

If you don’t find the § symbol in your keyboard, just copy it and paste!

Color Codes List

Color (Minecraft Name) COLOR CODE § MOTD Code HEX (#)
Dark Red (dark_red) §4 §4 AA0000
Red (red) §c §c FF5555
Gold (gold) §6 §6 FFAA00
Yellow (yellow) §e §e FFFF55
Dark Green (dark_green) §2 §2 00AA00
Green (green) §a §a 55FF55
Aqua (aqua) §b §b 55FFFF
Dark Aqua (dark_aqua) §3 §3 00AAAA
Dark Blue (dark_blue) §1 §1 0000AA
Blue (blue) §9 §9 5555FF
Light Purple (light_purple) §d §d FF55FF
Dark Purple (dark_purple) §5 §5 AA00AA
White (white) §f §f FFFFFF
Gray (gray) §7 §7 AAAAAA
Dark Gray (dark_gray) §8 §8 555555
Black (black) §0 §0 000000

Formatting Codes

Description Chat Code MOTD Code
Bold §l §l
Strikethrough §m §m
Underline §n §n
Italic §o §o
Reset both color and style §r §r

MOTD Formatting Codes

MOTD (Message Of The Day) is used for colored Minecraft Servers description in Minecraft Java.
Paste the color code in the motd entry in the server.properties file.

What are Minecraft color codes?

Color codes are a group of characters that give color to the text following them.

How do I make a new line in Minecraft?

In tellraw commands and books you can make a new line with \n

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