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Minecraft Particle Command: The ultimate guide


With the particle command, you can generate particle effects in Minecraft. Particles are useful to immerse the player in the game, but are purely decorative.

You cannot interact with them, like punching them, and they won’t do anything to you. Particles are just visuals! (and cool)

How to use the particle command in Minecraft Java?

/particle [pos] [delta] [speed] [count] [force|normal] [player]
Find a complete particle name list in this guide. An example command: /particle explosion_emitter ~10 ~ ~

How to use the particle command in Minecraft Bedrock?

/particle [count] [mode] [player] [params]
Find a complete particle name list in this guide. An example command: /particle minecraft:huge_explosion_emitter ~10 ~ ~

Particle Trails Command

With the Minecraft particle command, you can create really cool particle trails, you leave when walking. Awesome particle effects for multiplayer servers!

Minecraft Particle List

Here’s a complete list of all the particles to use in the <name> parameter of the particle command. The credit of the images goes to the Minecraft wiki contributors.

Java Edition
Particle Name
Bedrock Edition
Particle Name
ambient_entity_effect minecraft:mobspell_emitter
angry_villager minecraft:villager_angry
barrier ?
block minecraft:breaking_item_icon
- blockdust
bubble basic_bubble_particle_manual
bubble_column_up minecraft:bubble_column_up_particle
bubble_pop minecraft:bubble_column_particle
campfire_cosy_smoke minecraft:campfire_smoke_particle
campfire_signal_smoke minecraft:campfire_tall_smoke_particle
cloud minecraft:water_evaporation_bucket_emitter
composter minecraft:villager_happy
crit minecraft:critical_hit_emitter
current_down minecraft:bubble_column_down_particle
dolphin minecraft:dolphin_move_particle
dragon_breath minecraft:dragon_breath_trail (or) minecraft:dragon_breath_lingering
dripping_lava driplava
dripping_water dripwater
dust minecraft:redstone_wire_dust_particle
effect minecraft:splash_spell_emitter
enchant enchantingtable
end_rod minecraft:endrod (?)
entity_effect minecraft:evoker_spell
explosion minecraft:large_explosion
explosion_emitter minecraft:huge_explosion_emitter
falling_dust minecraft:falling_dust_red_sand_particle, minecraft:falling_dust_sand_particle, minecraft:falling_dust_gravel_particle, minecraft:falling_dust_top_snow_particle, minecraft:falling_dust_dragon_egg_particle, minecraft:falling_dust_concrete_particle, minecraft:falling_dust_scaffolding_particle
falling_lava minecraft:lava_drip_particle
falling_water water_splash_particle
firework minecraft:sparkler_emitter
fishing minecraft:water_wake_particle
flame minecraft:basic_flame_particle
flash ?
happy_villager minecraft:villager_happy
heart minecraft:heart_particle
instant_effect minecraft:mobspell_emitter
item minecraft:breaking_item_icon
item_slime ?
item_snowball ?
landing_lava ?
large_smoke minecraft:water_evaporation_actor_emitter
lava minecraft:lava_particle
mycelium minecraft:mycelium_dust_particle
nautilus nautilus
note note
poof explode
portal minecraft:mob_portal
rain rainsplash
smoke smoke
splash watersplash
squid_ink ink
totem_of_undying minecraft:totem_particle
witch witchspell

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